A collision between cycle index polynomials
Today’s post is a short, to describe an example of when the cycle index polynomial of a permutation group is not a total invariant of the group up to conjugacy.
Cycle index polynomials
For example, consider the following two embeddings of
These are two distinct permutation groups which are not conjugate inside of
The cycle index polynomial of
The collision
It is reasonable to ask if the cycle index polynomial is an invariant of a permutation group
Code to generate more collisions
The examples of N
). The dict
called multiples
has keys given by cycle index polynomials with multiple corresponding groups. the corresponding groups are the values.
sage: N = 6
....: SN = SymmetricGroup(N)
....: CIs = {G: G.cycle_index() for G in SN.conjugacy_classes_subgroups()}
....: Gs = dict()
....: for G, f in CIs.items():
....: l = Gs.get(f,list())
....: l.append(G)
....: Gs[f] = l
....: multiples = {f:Glist for f, Glist in Gs.items() if len(Glist) > 1}
For example, with N=7
, there are 3
distict cycle index polynomials with collisions.