I’m fortunate to have the support of the Google Summer of Code this summer to contribute to the SageMath (more commonly called Sage) mathematical software. To me one of the most confusing aspects of doing development in Sage is the “Parent/Element” framework. The goal of this post is to explain some details in the Parent/Element framework via a minimal implementation of some of the code I’m working on.

The big picture

One of the things Sage is useful for is working with a mathematical structure and also elements of it. For example, we could work with a group \(G\) and an element \(x \in G\). As an example in Sage, lets consider the cyclic group of order seven:

sage: G = CyclicPermutationGroup(7)
sage: x = G.an_element(); x
sage: x(6)

This element x is the element which cycles everything up by one, as we see by calling it on the integer \(6\). The fact that \(x\) is an element of \(G\) is an inextricable part of the information of \(x\). Sage models this fundamental relationship by including G as a “parent” and x as an “element”.

From the documentation, a parent is

a Python instance modelling a set of mathematical elements together with its additional (algebraic) structure.

and an element is

a Python instance modelling a mathematical element of a set.

The power of this framework comes from the fact that operations on elements +, -, *, /, etc. will create a new element of the parent (when they make mathematical sense). The “standard idiom” in Sage is to create a parent before creating elements, and then use that parent to create the element. This can get slightly annoying to the user sometimes, and so later we’ll see a way to use that idiom in code that is hidden to user but still happens in Sage.

An example

This summer, part of my project is to implement combinatorial diagrams in Sage. A combinatorial diagram is just a collection of cells \((i,j)\) indexed by positive (or nonnegative) integers. The perhaps most familiar example to people will be the “Ferrer’s diagram”, which represents a partition of an integer by including left justified cells in rows corresponding to each part in the partition, with the number of cells in each row corresponding to the size of the part itself. A less familiar class of diagrams is those with the “northwest property,” that: if \((i_1, j_1),\,(i_2, j_2)\) are cells in a diagram \(D\), then the cell \((\min(i_1, i_2), \min(j_1, j_2))\) is also in \(D\).

In order to model diagrams in Sage, I want to have two objects, the first a class to model the diagrams themselves, and then also a class to model the class of all diagrams. The former will be the element and the latter will be the parent.

This post will build up the code one step at a time, so WARNING the blocks of code other than the final example may or may not run or make mathematical sense.

Since we are trying to have a parent/element relationship between an instance of a Diagram and the parent of all Diagrams, we’ll start by importing the Parent class, and defining Diagrams as as subclass.

from sage.structure.parent import Parent
class Diagrams(Parent):

If you think about it, there should be only one class of all diagrams. Mathematically this makes sense, but in Python we could (in theory) create many instances of this object. Fortunately, Sage has a way to take care of this for us, by making Diagrams a UniqueRepresentation.

from sage.structure.parent import Parent
from sage.structure.unique_representation import UniqueRepresentation
class Diagrams(UniqueRepresentation, Parent):

Next, we want to initialize Diagrams. Every mathematical object in Sage should live in some category (literally mathematically a category, with objects and morphisms). There is not too much structure to the set of all diagrams, so it is enough to put it in the category of Sets. (This is the default for parent so this step is not actually necesarry, but if you wanted to do something with more structure, you might want to put in the category of Rings or something.)

from sage.categories.sets_cat import Sets
from sage.structure.parent import Parent
from sage.structure.unique_representation import UniqueRepresentation
class Diagrams(UniqueRepresentation, Parent):
	def __init__(self):	
		Parent.__init__(self, category=Sets())

Now that we have established a parent, we should establish the elements. In order to tell Sage that elements of Diagrams should be objects of type Diagram, we just assign the attribute Element:

from sage.categories.sets_cat import Sets
from sage.structure.parent import Parent
from sage.structure.unique_representation import UniqueRepresentation
class Diagram():
class Diagrams(UniqueRepresentation, Parent):
	def __init__(self):	
		Parent.__init__(self, category=Sets())
    Element = Diagram

It is worth noting at this point that in the source code you’ll see two different idioms for doing this. Sometimes, you’ll see the element defined as a class inside of the parent (as in the Lie algebras code), and sometimes it will be outside, as I have done below. My interpretation of this is that it has to do with complexity and if you will be constructing elements directly. For example, since I want to create a Diagram directly and sometimes hide creation of the Diagrams from the user, so I’ll include it as its own class. Don’t worry about it too much. They are doing the same thing - defining the Element attribute of the Parent subclass.

Now, if we have a Parent, we want Sage to know how to construct elements of that parent. We do that by by defining the _element_constructor_ method.

from sage.categories.sets_cat import Sets
from sage.structure.parent import Parent
from sage.structure.unique_representation import UniqueRepresentation
class Diagram():
class Diagrams(UniqueRepresentation, Parent):
	def __init__(self):	
		Parent.__init__(self, category=Sets())
	def _element_constructor_(self):
		return self.element_class(self, cells)
    Element = Diagram

The _element_constructor_ method is utilized when we call instances of a parent in order to create elements from the given data. The basic syntax is Parent()(data).

Calling Parent() creates an instance of the parent, and then we call that object with the argument data. Under the hood, here is what is happening:

  1. Parent()(data) is calling the object Parent() with the argument(s) data.
  2. Inside of the call of Parent(), we run into Parent._element_constructor_.
  3. This then calls self.element_class(self, data) where self is the parent, in this case Diagrams. (In case the two appearances of self here worry you, we’ll come back to that later.)
  4. self.element_class does the same thing as Parent.Element.__init__

In the sample code of this example, I haven’t created the Parent.Element.__init__ method yet, so lets do that. I want a single diagram to be an immutable collection of cells (i,j), and so I’ll make it a ClonableArray, which is a subclass of sage.structure.element.Element. I don’t have great insight into why to chose this one over a different subclass, it was the one suggested to me by my GSoC mentors. But a ClonableArray is an immutable array of elements, subject to some invariant, which is enforced by the (required) ClonableArray.check method. Lets ignore the check for the purpose of this example, but you could imagine the “check” being a test that all cells are pairs, and the list of all of them has no repeated elements.

from sage.categories.sets_cat import Sets
from sage.structure.list_clone import ClonableArray
from sage.structure.parent import Parent
from sage.structure.unique_representation import UniqueRepresentation
class Diagram(ClonableArray):
    def __init__(self, parent, cells):
        self._cells = {c: True for c in cells}
		ClonableArray.__init__(self, parent, cells)
	def check(self):
class Diagrams(UniqueRepresentation, Parent):
	def __init__(self):	
		Parent.__init__(self, category=Sets())
	def _element_constructor(self):
		return self.element_class(self, cells)
    Element = Diagram

Now, if you are a Sage user, you might be familiar with using the Partition class. In the framework we’ve described so far, Partition is an element class whose parent is Partitions. If you have tried to create a partition, you usually just want to type something like mu = Partition([5,3,1]). In particular, it is cumbersome to create an instance of the parent class every time we create an instance of an element, especially if we don’t use the parent class anywhere in our code. But as it stands, our code above would require being run like this:

sage: Dgms = Diagrams()
sage: Diagram(Dgms, [(1,1), (3,5)])

which is more cumbersome than

sage: Partition([3,2,1])

especially because we know any instance of Diagram should be in the parent of Diagrams - why are we manually passing it?

In order to fix this problem, we will set the metaclass of Diagram to be InheritComparisonClasscallMetaclass. We get a few different things out of this, but the primary one I want to point out is that it allows us to define a __classcall_private__ method (for technical reasons I don’t understand, it must be a @staticmethod) which is called whenever the class is called (and importantly before the usual __call__). In this case, calling Diagram(cells) will return Diagrams()(cells). Recall that Diagrams()(cells) constructs the element known to be an element of the parent Diagrams. Thus, we no longer have to manually create the parent class and instead we can just create the Diagram, but we still have the power of the parent/element framework to utilize later if we need it.

from sage.categories.sets_cat import Sets
from sage.structure.unique_representation import UniqueRepresentation
from sage.structure.list_clone import ClonableArray
from sage.structure.parent import Parent
from sage.misc.inherit_comparison import InheritComparisonClasscallMetaclass
class Diagram(ClonableArray, metaclass=InheritComparisonClasscallMetaclass):
    def __classcall_private__(cls, cells):
        return Diagrams()(cells)
    def __init__(self, parent, cells):
        self._cells = {c: True for c in cells}
        ClonableArray.__init__(self, parent, cells)
    def check(self):
class Diagrams(UniqueRepresentation, Parent):
    def __init__(self):
        Parent.__init__(self, category=Sets())
    def _element_constructor_(self, cells):
        return self.element_class(self, cells)
    Element = Diagram

The code above now would run like this:

sage: D = Diagram([(2,1), (3,1)])
sage: D.parent() is Diagrams

In the process of calling Diagram, we create Diagrams under the hood, and know that our Diagram should belong to it. Woo!

Why self.element_class(self, data)?

Above, I had mentioned that it was mysterious why self.element_class utilized self twice. One reason this is actualy awesome is because it allows us to subclass things very easily. For example, suppose I wanted to create a class for subdiagrams. This should definitely be a subclass of Diagram and its parent should be a subclass of Diagrams, so we could do something like this:

class SubDiagram(Diagram):
	def __classcall_private__(cls, cells, D):
		return SubDiagrams()(cells, D)
	def __init__(self, parent, cells, D):
		self._super_diagram = D
		Diagram.__init__(self, parent, cells)

class SubDiagrams(Diagrams):
	Element = SubDiagram

If the SubDiagram.__init__ method didn’t require a parent argument, we’d have to duplicate all of the code we wrote for the Diagram, so that the parent of SubDiagram was not Diagrams. Then, we’d have to rewrite the _element_constructor_ method because self would be a diagram, not a subdiagram. In short, the self.element_class(self, data) and requiring the parent as an argument allows us to be a lot more flexible with how we create classes and avoid unnecessary duplication of code.

I hope that this example helps show you how to create parents and elements and how to subclass them. If this helps you in your Sage development, or if anything is unclear, please let me know! Thanks for reading!